e-Rakt Kosh: Centralized Blood Bank Management System In India
Thursday, April 2, 2020
e-RaktKosh is a comprehensive IT solution attempting to address the problem of bloodstock availability by providing means to collect, disseminate, standardize and streamline the standard operating procedures, guidelines and workflow of blood banks across the nation.

e-RaktKosh enforces Drug & Cosmetic Act, National Blood Policy Standards and Guidelines, thus ensuring proper collection & donation, effective management and monitoring the quality and quantity of the donated blood.
Considering the national roll-out, e-RaktKosh has been developed with the modular and scalable approach with configurable rule-based architecture allowing customization to easily incorporate specific requirements from nationwide stakeholders.
Services Offered by e-RaktKosh:
Donor Management
Donor management service handles the overall workflow of the donor i.e. Donor Registration, Physical Examination, Donation, Refreshment Details, Donor Adverse reaction, Donor Demographics Modification, Bar Coded Label Generation etc.
Camp Management
This service is used for the management of the Camps. It includes Online requisition of camp in the blood bank, Acceptance/rejection of camp, Generation of camp labels, Camp Donor Registration, Camp Bag Entry, Post Camp Details, Check List Printing etc..
Blood Grouping
This service is used to capture the blood group of the donor as well as the patient grouping. It can be interfaced with Generic Medical Equipment to capture the details directly from the equipment to e-RaktKosh application.
This service is used to capture the TTI Investigation details of the Blood Bags. It is used to capture Serological investigation, Antibodies screening, Antibodies identification, Interface with medical equipment. The test results can be entered either in batch mode or individual case wise.
Blood Stock Management
This service handles the component separation, labelling and shifting, Bag cancellation and discard with their reasons, Provision to reserve blood, Waste Generation etc
This module is used to track the overall status of the blood bags. This will show the number of tested, untested bags blood group-wise and component-wise. Also, the dashboard for the blood bank as well as the states is available for effective monitoring
Requisition and Issue
This service handles the flow from the patient blood requisition until the issue of the blood bags. It has various processes as patient blood requisition, Cross Match, Blood Bag Issue, Thalassemia Directory, Blood Bag return etc.
This module handles the blood bags billing. The configuration of billing rules can be done patient category and service-wise details.
Portal Interface
thee-RaktKosh portal is been developed to provide citizens with real-time information as Nearest blood bank enquiry, Blood bank stock enquiry, Camp schedule enquiry. The portal also provides various valuable information regarding blood donation.
Mobile Apps
Mobile apps are also developed for real-time enquiry as Nearest blood banks, Stock Enquiry and Camp Schedule Enquiry. Also, provision has been provided to the blood banks to upload the stock details through the mobile app.
Generic Medical Equipment Interface
This service handles the interfacing of the equipment with the thee-RaktKosh application. The results generated from the various equipment in blood banks can be directly interfaced with the thee-RaktKosh application.
Salient Features:
Web-based application on the open-source platform
Configurable to support varied size & flow of Blood Banks
Enforcing Mechanism - to ensure compliance with Standard protocols
Biometric Interfacing - to restrict professional donors
Adhere to Drug & Cosmetic act, NACO & NABH Guidelines
Provision of Multilingual Questionnaire & Consent Printing
Generation of alerts, MIS Reports, trends, forecasting etc.
Important Links:
e-Rakt Kosh Official Website Link: Click Here
eRaktKosh Mobile App for Android: Click Here

e-RaktKosh enforces Drug & Cosmetic Act, National Blood Policy Standards and Guidelines, thus ensuring proper collection & donation, effective management and monitoring the quality and quantity of the donated blood.
Considering the national roll-out, e-RaktKosh has been developed with the modular and scalable approach with configurable rule-based architecture allowing customization to easily incorporate specific requirements from nationwide stakeholders.
Services Offered by e-RaktKosh:
Donor Management
Donor management service handles the overall workflow of the donor i.e. Donor Registration, Physical Examination, Donation, Refreshment Details, Donor Adverse reaction, Donor Demographics Modification, Bar Coded Label Generation etc.
Camp Management
This service is used for the management of the Camps. It includes Online requisition of camp in the blood bank, Acceptance/rejection of camp, Generation of camp labels, Camp Donor Registration, Camp Bag Entry, Post Camp Details, Check List Printing etc..
Blood Grouping
This service is used to capture the blood group of the donor as well as the patient grouping. It can be interfaced with Generic Medical Equipment to capture the details directly from the equipment to e-RaktKosh application.
This service is used to capture the TTI Investigation details of the Blood Bags. It is used to capture Serological investigation, Antibodies screening, Antibodies identification, Interface with medical equipment. The test results can be entered either in batch mode or individual case wise.
Blood Stock Management
This service handles the component separation, labelling and shifting, Bag cancellation and discard with their reasons, Provision to reserve blood, Waste Generation etc
This module is used to track the overall status of the blood bags. This will show the number of tested, untested bags blood group-wise and component-wise. Also, the dashboard for the blood bank as well as the states is available for effective monitoring
Requisition and Issue
This service handles the flow from the patient blood requisition until the issue of the blood bags. It has various processes as patient blood requisition, Cross Match, Blood Bag Issue, Thalassemia Directory, Blood Bag return etc.
This module handles the blood bags billing. The configuration of billing rules can be done patient category and service-wise details.
Portal Interface
thee-RaktKosh portal is been developed to provide citizens with real-time information as Nearest blood bank enquiry, Blood bank stock enquiry, Camp schedule enquiry. The portal also provides various valuable information regarding blood donation.
Mobile Apps
Mobile apps are also developed for real-time enquiry as Nearest blood banks, Stock Enquiry and Camp Schedule Enquiry. Also, provision has been provided to the blood banks to upload the stock details through the mobile app.
Generic Medical Equipment Interface
This service handles the interfacing of the equipment with the thee-RaktKosh application. The results generated from the various equipment in blood banks can be directly interfaced with the thee-RaktKosh application.
Salient Features:
Web-based application on the open-source platform
Configurable to support varied size & flow of Blood Banks
Enforcing Mechanism - to ensure compliance with Standard protocols
Biometric Interfacing - to restrict professional donors
Adhere to Drug & Cosmetic act, NACO & NABH Guidelines
Provision of Multilingual Questionnaire & Consent Printing
Generation of alerts, MIS Reports, trends, forecasting etc.
Important Links:
e-Rakt Kosh Official Website Link: Click Here
eRaktKosh Mobile App for Android: Click Here